Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Boys Basketball Tournament

After almost two months we finally got our hands on the photos taken at the boys basketball tournament held in the capital city back in March.  As you might recall, BJ and I did not attend the tournament so I can only guess what is happening in each photo.  Brian would be able to tell what team we're playing, what the score of the game was, etc.  Without further ado, below are pictures from the tournament with my own captions :)
All the players packed into a small van.

We are the team in white and red.
Time out huddle.

More basketball.

And more basketball.

Team picture :)

Some of our fans that traveled to the game.  Go Eagles!

This tournament marked the end of the season for boys basketball.  Brian is currently coaching the girls basketball team at WCA.  Although the girls regular season is in the fall, Brian has been working with them for a few weeks now.  They have a few games scheduled in the near future.  Let's Go Lady Eagles!

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