Sunday, April 1, 2012


The staff at the school have a picnic every year before the hot(ter) weather arrives. The school rented two buses and we drove about an hour to the Marine Academy (as in water, not like US Marines). The day started off cloudy and gloomy but it ended up being a blessing because the temperature was cooler! We all had a fabulous time!
I can't remember the last time I was on a bus! The Bengali staff members were SO fun...singing songs and laughing. It was quite refreshing and contagious!
We passed over a river and got to see all types of boats.
Our bus started to overheat so the driver used water from a small pond to pour into the engine.
Once we got to our destination BJ had a blast running around!
Many families attended.
BJ participated in his first competition...a race! His fellow competitors were children age 1 -5.
Getting a pep talk from daddy before the big race.
On your mark...get set...GO!!
Run, BJ, Run!!
Look at all the people who encouraged the little ones to run!!
There were also games for the adults to play.
The women mostly relaxed and chatted but did participate in a few games amongst themselves.
At this point my camera started acting up and I couldn't take any more pictures!! Fortunately, it was just the batteries but I did not have any extra on hand. Overall, we had a wonderful time getting to know the other staff members at the school.

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